Monday 2 July 2012

We arrived at Kingswood at 4pm after spending a few hours in Cromer painting pottery. We have taken part in an activity before dinner, now we are making sure our beds are made before our mini Olympic activity. Will keep you posted through the week. Miss Taylor


  1. hope you all have a great time x

  2. Thanks miss Taylor thats great news glad to hear you all got there safe. Hope your all enjoying your first day have a great week miss you loads brandon warr from us all, xx
    P.S Please keep us up to date!!

  3. Glad you all made it safely to Kingswood. It sounds like you guys had lots of fun on the way, Hope the rest of the week remains the same for you guys. I think I can speak for all us parents,Enjoy yourself's and have as much fun as you can. Miss and love you loads.

  4. Good to hear you all arrived safely. Have a fantastic week hope the weather brightens up and you all don't get to wet xxxx

  5. Glad all arrived safe!! hope u all have lots of fun update lots please missing Ella Pike lots!!!

  6. would be nice to see some pictures of you all having fun !!!

  7. Glad all is going well. Hope all have a great time.

  8. Lisa & Terry Haynes3 July 2012 at 16:00

    Hi everyone glad to hear you all arrived safe and had fun on the way ! Hope you have a great time Mason, love you loads !

  9. Glad you all arrived safe. Would love to see pictures. Have a great time and we miss you loads Callum. Lots of love xx

  10. Simon ( Ben's Dad)3 July 2012 at 17:04

    hope your all having a great time, just try as many things as possible, and have fun !!!

  11. Hope the weather gets better for you all. Have lots of fun! Jermaine Corbin we are all missing you lots!! Looking forward to seeing more updates and photos plz.

  12. hi harry and everyone else hope you have stopped rapping for a while lol enjoy your week love mum & co and buster xxxxxx

  13. Sounds like you are all having a great time. Miss u loads Callum, Love mum, dad and Tamara xxxx
