Wednesday 4 July 2012

Day 3 Kingswood

The weather is lovely today and we are all enjoying the activities. Mrs Robertson has now joined our team. One group got very wet and muddy on nightline- all got soaked but loved it. One team took part in Archery and Ashlea proved her worth as Robin Hood and shot a gold!! There were crashes galore at go karts but what fun! Zip wire was amazing, Hezzy thoroughly enjoyed his adrenaline rush! The Power climb was fun, Miss Taylor and Mr Jillings also had a go, however Miss Taylor giggled and didnt get very far, Beau almost got to the top. Jack managed to get to the top and hit the button.


  1. Looks like you are all having a great time Caitlin you look so worried in the pic of evacuation day

  2. Missing you Ironman. Hope you are having a great time. Love mum, dad and Michaela

  3. Miss you Ironman. Hope you are having a great time. Love mum, dad and Michaela

  4. Brandon Walsh 6r7 July 2012 at 12:58

    Missing you kaine hodge. Have a great time.

  5. Rebecca Andrews 6s now20 July 2012 at 15:21

    So glad you're back,Harry Stanley! Felt like a year without at school. x
