Tuesday 3 July 2012

Kingswood Day 2

Today we were evacuated and went on the poppy line. We were all given a gas mask and we had to sit on the poppy line in separate parts of the carriage. We were checked for 'Nits'. We experienced 2 sirens and had to get into a safe position. When we arrived in Holt we waited to be chosen by families and then undertook some of the chores we would have had to do in WWII!We were, cleaning, gardening, learning how to put on gas masks and making our sandwiches. We made our sandwiches with rations. We all had a really fun day. We are now back at Kingswood taking part in our next activities. Fencing, problem solving, orienteering, go karts and quad bikes. pictures to follow shortly!


  1. Good to hear the kids arrived safely and are having loads of fun activities..
    We would be glad to always see the new updates and if possible some of their pictures..
    My love to Lauryn Onuoha and to all the kids at Kingswood.

    Best Regards,
    Winnie Onuoha (Lauryn's mum)

  2. Sounds like you all have had a fab day xx

  3. Louise Edwards3 July 2012 at 21:14

    Sounds like you have been really busy!! Hope you are all having fun and it is nice to see your blog update every night.
    Love the Edwards. x (Sophie)

  4. Charlotte Chamberlain3 July 2012 at 21:50

    Remember my time at Kingswood, had a fantastic fun time. Hope you all do too! Charlotte C

  5. Sounds really good fun,look forward to the pics

  6. Sounds like you guys are having a great time.
    Can't wait to see the photos.

  7. Sounds like great fun, hope you all enjoy the rest of your week love and miss Robbie loads love mum, dad and Luke xxx

  8. Wow great challenge for the children looking forward to the feedback when Josh returns home.
