Thursday 12 July 2012

Multicultural Week

We have had lots of fun exploring different countries, such as Mexico, Russia and Spain. We have been able to taste different foods and learn a dance from one of the countires.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Team D

Here is TEAM D we have just been on the quad bikes. We had an amazing time.

Team E

Here is TEAM E we have just been on low ropes. We had to work as a team and help each other get over the low ropes. We had a lot of fun and put our trust into each other.

Team C

We were put into teams for all the activities. Here is a picutre of TEAM C after helping each other up over the wall. They all worked together and helped each other up.

Day 3 Kingswood

The pool party was really good last night. Children all enjoyed themselves. With the help of Miss Taylor, Joseph managed to swim a width. We were all very pleased with him. We are all very tired today but cant wait until the disco later. Emily Yeo was the winning Fencer in group E.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Day 3 Kingswood

The weather is lovely today and we are all enjoying the activities. Mrs Robertson has now joined our team. One group got very wet and muddy on nightline- all got soaked but loved it. One team took part in Archery and Ashlea proved her worth as Robin Hood and shot a gold!! There were crashes galore at go karts but what fun! Zip wire was amazing, Hezzy thoroughly enjoyed his adrenaline rush! The Power climb was fun, Miss Taylor and Mr Jillings also had a go, however Miss Taylor giggled and didnt get very far, Beau almost got to the top. Jack managed to get to the top and hit the button.

More pictures of the poppy line and activities in Kingswood

Pictures of Day 1 and 2

These are just a few from the last couple of days.Will aim to put some more on later Miss Taylor :)

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Kingswood Day 2

Today we were evacuated and went on the poppy line. We were all given a gas mask and we had to sit on the poppy line in separate parts of the carriage. We were checked for 'Nits'. We experienced 2 sirens and had to get into a safe position. When we arrived in Holt we waited to be chosen by families and then undertook some of the chores we would have had to do in WWII!We were, cleaning, gardening, learning how to put on gas masks and making our sandwiches. We made our sandwiches with rations. We all had a really fun day. We are now back at Kingswood taking part in our next activities. Fencing, problem solving, orienteering, go karts and quad bikes. pictures to follow shortly!

Monday 2 July 2012

We arrived at Kingswood at 4pm after spending a few hours in Cromer painting pottery. We have taken part in an activity before dinner, now we are making sure our beds are made before our mini Olympic activity. Will keep you posted through the week. Miss Taylor