Wednesday 21 March 2012

Incubator Webcam

We've set up a webcam. Click on the following link to watch the eggs and our first chick!

Free desktop streaming application by Ustream

Hopefully the webcam will stay up as long as possible. The first chick has had a few problems, but is being well looked after.

The first chick (which started to hatch on Tuesday afternoon) had a few problems today. However, after an hour of very careful work, a very kind parent helped our first chick hatch. It slept for about an hour, but it's now woken up and is cheeping very loudly. It's still not very strong, but hopefully all will be well and you will be able to meet it tomorrow morning!

The webcam should now be live until tomorrow morning.


  1. AARR they are so cute i wish i was there when it happend i hope it gets out the egg shell ok =]

  2. wicked I want to see it no fair


  3. The chicks are so cute. We saw one that had been recently been hatched. He had a looooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggggg neck and I think he was a MALE

  4. I have held an egg it was so exiting and I felt the chick move inside. I also stroked one they are so soft

    daisy 4u

  5. Thanx Mr Calderwood for making this moment, chicks are soooo cute for sure.
    Sam 4s

  6. I think it is kinda cool to watch the chicks after school at home =-]

  7. When my class went into the DT room to look at the chicks one of the males was staring at me & we also saw to chicks kiss.

  8. I think the chicks are so cute i think that we could maybe keep them for a little while longer i really want one for me to keep and Mr Calderwood thanks for bringing them to school everybody was going mad to see them the first time when you got them and everybody loves them

    From Charlotte Andrews 4r

  9. I think the chicks are so cute there really fluffy and there so cuddly unfortunatly we didn't get to hold one and stroke it but i really wanted to hold one and take it home!thank you Mr Calderwood for bringing them to the school for us to see! Its really cool to see them after school!!!!!! :p :] i gonna miss them :[

    Rebecca Andrews 5r
