Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 2 Big Chicken House...

Several classes have been to visit the eggs today. Two classes were lucky enough to hear a very quiet, but clear 'cheeping' sound coming from the incubator. There has been definite movement; two of the eggs have been wriggling around.

At the end of the day it looked as though one of the eggs might even have a little crack in it. Hopefully all will be well - we hope to see our first chicks tomorrow!

We think that the egg in the middle is beginning to hatch. A very small hole has appeared near the bottom of it.



  2. When we were in there watching the chicks, we were all silent then we heard a little cheep. And we could see the eggs wriggling around. It was so cute!

    1. yea i know is this rebecca andrews from 5r

  3. NATHAN i was in the dt room i saw one of the eggs crake a little and two of them rocked about

  4. Miss Taylor and 3U21 March 2012 at 09:57

    3U have been to see the chicks this morning, we were lucky enough to see them begin to wriggle around! We are soooo excited about the arrival of the chicks! :)

  5. We've just seen the eggs. Some of us made quiet cheeping noises. We heard a little cheep! :D

  6. When we went to see the eggs today, I wanted them all to hatch when we were there. I can't wait!

  7. I Haven't Been To See The Chicks Yet But I Can't Wait Until I Get The Chance To! I Have Seen Them Through The DT Room Window But Not Yet Properly... But From What I Could See They Looked Very Fascinating. I Was In Complete Awe!

  8. I haven't seen the eggs properly just yet but i have seen them from the DT room window. So I'm told... 6S are schedueled to visit them on Friday and I must admitt I cannot wait! When I first caught a slight glimpse of them I was in complete awe!!!

  9. favour arihilam21 March 2012 at 17:42

    i saw it this morning and i heard a little cheep not a really loud cheap it was so quiet.

  10. favour arihilam21 March 2012 at 17:46

    i can not wait i am so excited about the chicks.i have been telling my mummy about it.

  11. i am sooooooooooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i heard the chicks cheep after school

  12. They were SO cute When we went to see them today 2 rocked around a bit, 1 had a little crack and some of us done a quiet cheap and we heard a couple back. I love them!

  13. I hope the chicks are going to hatch soon

  14. The chicks are soo cute. We saw them today.

  15. I want all the Chicks to survive, it would be so sad when they don't :(!!! They hatched! Oh my GOSH;they are the cutest things!!! Fingers crossed they will hatch tomorrow ;) xxx

  16. The chicks are sooooooooooooo cute i saw them on wednesday and had little peeks with some other teachers going to see them tomurrow i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. they where so cute i wanted them to stay lol xx chelsea rix 5s xxx

  17. I saw the chicks today and they were bery cute and fluffy. The yellow ones are male and the brown are female. As my class walked into the room 6U were just finishing up. Everyong was shouting saying "ONES HATCHED ONES HATCHED!!". When they have just hatched they aren't all cute and fluffy.... they're almost bald and they're wet. It only takes about 40 minutes for them to dry off and resume fluffieness! By the way the oldest yellow is called cheesecake!

  18. Really? oh come on guys why don't you say something else like OMG or O..M..G or O....M....G if you don't like don't
