Thursday 22 March 2012

Thursday's Chick News...

On Wednesday, one of our eggs had a few problems hatching. However, he has survived and is looking very healthy. During the very early hours of Thursday morning, two new chicks hatched. Unfortunately there was nobody around to see it happen!

However, after a busy day in school today, class 6R were very lucky to see our fourth chick hatch. Hopefully some of the pupils who witnessed this could describe what happened.

The three older chicks are now in their 'broody cage' where they have food and water. The most recent chick is still in the incubator. At least 2 eggs are currently hatching. Hopefully they will hatch over the next few hours. Don't forget you can watch the chick and the eggs on our incubator cam!

Keep watching and submitting your comments please!

Big news! One more egg has hatched. Another is on it's way. However, it has been a long time and he is very tired. Fingers crossed for the poor little chick!

Chick #4 (which was hatched this afternoon) is standing just in front of our new arrival.

What an evening! We're now up to 7 chicks, with 2 more eggs close to hatching. Two of tonight's chicks needed a lot of help - Mrs. Calderwood managed to peel off the shells very carefully.


  1. Kayleigh Edgar 5s22 March 2012 at 17:46

    Wow, I am watching the new chick hatch! it is very excting. I cant wait to go in and visit them all tomorrow!

  2. Wow I am watching this with Kayleigh!I am really excited and it is making me want some of my own!

  3. I just watched two eggs hatch really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Just watched the chicks hatching on webcam recordings. So cool I can't wait until tomorrow to go see them in person!

  5. lauren (5s) and katy's (3s) mum22 March 2012 at 19:28

    This is so cool being able to watch online and share this with the girls

  6. the fluffy chicks are so cute I cannot wait to see the fifth one I hope it hatches tonight.

  7. the chicks are so cute!!! its harry in 6u by the way

  8. The chicks are going to brandons so i get to watch them grow up. can't wait!!!

  9. I have watched the 2 new chicks hatch it is amazing! i cant wait to go in, in the morning to meet them! Thanks for all the lovely messages! I am really pleased you like them!

  10. Keziah George 6U22 March 2012 at 19:51

    I saw the three chicks today and they were so cute!!!
    When i heard that a fourth chick had hatched i couldn't wait to see it tomorrow.

  11. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE I cant wait until all of them to hatch it is SO EXCITED TO SEE 12 CHICKS IN SCHOOL!I'd like to say a very very super big thanks to Mrs Robertson and super thanks to Mr colder Wood to let us watch 12! I said 12! chicks,male to roaster,female to hen and me=very very very very very very very very very very very VERY! VERY VERY VERY VERY HAPPY excited super happy to see them.

  12. lovly chicks they are so cute

  13. lovly chicks they are so cute!!!!

  14. Awwwwww!!!! They are so cute!!!!!
    I can't wait til Monday when 5R get to see them!

  15. I love them!!! Too cute 4 school!!!!

  16. There are sssssssssssssssssso cute thank you for the chicks I won,t one

  17. They are to die for they're so cute !!!!!!! :)

  18. I can't believe there are chicks in the school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is soooooooooooooo exciting, hopefully we have them next year(fingers crossed)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rebecca James 4rxxxxxxx

  19. Aww they're so cute and yes we saw them hatch! hope we see them again

  20. So cute!!!!! I think they are well cool!

  21. I can't wait for the next 5R visit!!!!

  22. surprising rush green juniour school we have great big exciting news there are nine chick thats loko great news but the three eggs still havent hatch yet they might not be in the egg well we should be excited beacause we have seen them.but the sad news is that on thursday they are going back and were stuck here doing learning but who cares it wont bother me at least i can play with my friends by

    from farhan

    1. so sad they unfair.good 9 have happy sume have hached.

  23. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cute i love them so much its sad they had to leave i wanted them to stay for a few months
    By Charlotte and Rebecca Andrews 4R and 5R :) :)
