Saturday 31 March 2012

Chick 9

Name That chick- remember your name and class on the comment.

Chick 8

Name That chick- remember your name and class on the comment. 

Chick 6 and 7

Name That chick- remember your name and class on the comment. These chicks were born at the same time!

Chick 5

Name That chick- remember your name and class on the comment.

Chick 4

Name That chick- remember your name and class on the comment.

Chick 3

Name That chick- remember your name and class on the comment.

Chick 2

Name that chick- remember your name and class on the comment.

Chick 1

Name That chick- remember your name and class on the comment.

Name that chick.

Although the chicks have now left us to a new home, Mr Calderwood and Miss Taylor have decided to set up a competition to name that chick. We took a picuture of all the chicks and will post them all and you have to comment on them with your name and class with an idea for a name. The best name will be announced after Easter.


Mr Calderwood and Miss Taylor

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Year 3 Pneumatic Models

In Year 3 at the end of our Dinosaur topic we have made some Dinosaur pneumatic models. This is where we use a the power of air to make a model move. Have a look at the pictures below to see how 3U got on.

Year 3 Trip

On Monday 26th March Year 3 went on a trip to the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaurs.
Here are a few pictures of what we saw.

Asda Competition.

Asda from Romford invited us to be involved in a competition to win an Easter egg. We had to design what we like most about our community. We had 12 winners in total. The winning pictures are in display in Asda Romford. Pop in and have a look. Photos of the winning entries to follow.

A big well done to the winners!

  1. Lauren McNicholl
  2. Mason Ward
  3. Fred Perry
  4. Ruby Carroll
  5. Alicia Power
  6. My- Mint Phootawet
  7. Eleanor Tull
  8. Jayden Butterworth
  9. Favour Arihilam
  10. Marley Cummings
  11. Ria Sarmotta
  12. Raya Hossain


Thanks to everyone who entered!
Miss Taylor

Easter Eggstravaganza

A big thankyou from the Friends Association to everybody that came to the Eggstravaganza.  We were very impressed with all the Easter bonnet entries and enjoyed the parade alot.
The Winners of the Easter Bonnet competition are:
Bethany McCann 4R.
Nathan Wakefield 4U.

Friends Association.

Thursday 22 March 2012

The Great Egg Race!

Eggciting news here at incubator ville. At 10:45pm two eggs began to hatch at the same time. It was a straight race. Who would win?

Find out by watching the video below:

That takes us up to 9 chicks now. There are still 3 left, however, there are no cracks and no cheeping sounds. Sadly it is likely that they will not hatch now.

Meet numbers 8 and 9 - only a minute between them!

Thursday's Chick News...

On Wednesday, one of our eggs had a few problems hatching. However, he has survived and is looking very healthy. During the very early hours of Thursday morning, two new chicks hatched. Unfortunately there was nobody around to see it happen!

However, after a busy day in school today, class 6R were very lucky to see our fourth chick hatch. Hopefully some of the pupils who witnessed this could describe what happened.

The three older chicks are now in their 'broody cage' where they have food and water. The most recent chick is still in the incubator. At least 2 eggs are currently hatching. Hopefully they will hatch over the next few hours. Don't forget you can watch the chick and the eggs on our incubator cam!

Keep watching and submitting your comments please!

Big news! One more egg has hatched. Another is on it's way. However, it has been a long time and he is very tired. Fingers crossed for the poor little chick!

Chick #4 (which was hatched this afternoon) is standing just in front of our new arrival.

What an evening! We're now up to 7 chicks, with 2 more eggs close to hatching. Two of tonight's chicks needed a lot of help - Mrs. Calderwood managed to peel off the shells very carefully.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Incubator Webcam

We've set up a webcam. Click on the following link to watch the eggs and our first chick!

Free desktop streaming application by Ustream

Hopefully the webcam will stay up as long as possible. The first chick has had a few problems, but is being well looked after.

The first chick (which started to hatch on Tuesday afternoon) had a few problems today. However, after an hour of very careful work, a very kind parent helped our first chick hatch. It slept for about an hour, but it's now woken up and is cheeping very loudly. It's still not very strong, but hopefully all will be well and you will be able to meet it tomorrow morning!

The webcam should now be live until tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Day 2 Big Chicken House...

Several classes have been to visit the eggs today. Two classes were lucky enough to hear a very quiet, but clear 'cheeping' sound coming from the incubator. There has been definite movement; two of the eggs have been wriggling around.

At the end of the day it looked as though one of the eggs might even have a little crack in it. Hopefully all will be well - we hope to see our first chicks tomorrow!

We think that the egg in the middle is beginning to hatch. A very small hole has appeared near the bottom of it.

Monday 19 March 2012

Spring Arrives in Rush Green!

Today we had some very special arrivals!

12 eggs arrived in an incubator. They will be staying with us until Thursday 29th March, by which time they will have hopefully hatched.

Some of the pupils have been to visit, but the rest of the school will have plenty of chances to see them over the next two weeks.

From tomorrow it might be possible to hear the chicks 'cheep' from inside the egg.

On Wednesday we hope that the chicks will start hatching. We'll be taking lots of photos and videos and presenting them on our blog.

The eggs are from a Rhode Island Red (the same as Rocky from 'Chicken Run' according to Mrs. Gee), which is why the letters 'RIR' have been written on them.

Friday 9 March 2012

Barking and Dagenham post pictures!

On world book day the press came in and took some photos of the winning costumes. Here is the link to access the photos that haven't been published yet in the paper!  

Take a look at the other photos!

Miss Taylor

Saturday 3 March 2012

More World Book Day photos 2012

Here are some more classes in their costumes on world book day!

Friday 2 March 2012

World Book Day 2012

Wow! You all tried really hard this year for world book day! The costumes were amazing. Well done to all those who won prizes and some of you will be in the Dagenham Post this coming week or next week! keep a look out! (It's out a Wednesday)

Here are some pictures of us on World Book Day!

Thanks to all the parents who helped make all the costumes! :)

Miss Taylor and Ms Hill