Monday 22 April 2013


We have had a really fun first day, it's been pretty cold but the children have enjoyed their activities.  They have worked well in their teams and have encouraged each other to participate in the challenges set.  Today's activities were mountain walking, waterfall walking and caving.

I would like to say a big well done to Adam V and Adam S as they showed outstanding teamwork skills, encouraging and supporting a teammate on the mountain walk.

Here are some of our photos.

Miss Carman


  1. These are great pics, thank you so much. You surely have a fab day there. We continue to pray for a fun and safe activities for you all.
    We already missing you sooooo much Justin:). Many thanks to all the teachers and staff in trewern.

    God Bless,
    Cherry and Rhey

  2. awesome,you all look so superb in your outfit. great to hear you are well behaved and showing great skill. very lovely pictures.

  3. Wicked. I love to do all that. Well done everyone. miss you lewis x x

  4. Lovely photos, well done everyone!
    Very proud of you Adam x love mum and dad x x x
    (Adam vialls mum)

  5. So pleased you all enjoyed your first day of activities, we are all so proud of you Adam S , enjoy your time at Trewern all of you! We love you always Adam S, from mum, dad, holly & Ryan xxxx :)

  6. I'm happy to see you all your pics. It seems you have a favolous 1st day. Enjoy and have fun! We miss you Benjamin and Justin. Love from mum,dad,ruth,josiah & grandad.

    Thanks for updating Miss Carman..

  7. Looks like a tiring but fun day !!!

    Hope you have another great day today.

    Missing you loads Lily.

    Mummy & Daddy

  8. Lovely Pic!! Hoppe your having an amazing time Elles... Love you loads Auntie Carla xxxxx

  9. Natalie Woolnough23 April 2013 at 08:54

    Looks like you are having lots of fun!!

    Enjoy! Love you lots Lily x

    Natalie Woolnough

  10. Wou...... Nice pictures! Hope you all had a fantastic day.Missing you already Kornelijus,love from Mum, Dad and sister Melita :)

  11. A very wet day for Miss Carmen and myself on the waterfall walk!

    Children are having a fantastic time.

    Mr Jarvis

  12. Lovely to see everyone having such a great time! Well done Sam for getting up the hill! See you soon, love Mum Dad and Tom x

  13. glad your having a great time Elles!! love and miss u loads Auntie Carla xxxx

  14. Hi Miss Carman,

    Thanks for letting us know back at school that you are having a amazing time. The pictures are great.

    The rest of Year 5 have been wonderful. We had a great time at The Chase and are looking forward to our trip to the Science Museum tomorrow.

    Mrs Lutterloch

  15. Looks like you're all enjoying yourselves, have a great last night.

    More pics please!

    love ya loads Daisy,
    See you when you get back xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. You all look awesome in your red gear! Good to see you getting stuck Jordaine!!! Wanna hear all about it when you're back! Love you lots, Mummy x

  17. Hey jordaine, hope your having a good time, looking forward to seeing you when you get back; love you lots , aunty cass x
