Monday 25 February 2013

Maths Week 2013

This week at Rush Green it is Maths Week.

The children have had a busy day making maths hats, completing maths trails around the school and Year 3 took part in an exciting Maths Challenge.

All of the children were set a homework challenge: to cut a small piece of paper or card in a way to let us walk through it. Lots of our pupils (and parents!) have had lots of fun doing this. Take a look at some of our photos!

Jimmy (Year 4):

Emma (Year 4)

David (Year 4)

Katherine in Year 4 had two very interested helpers:

Ellie-May and Abbie of Year 6, Grace of Year 4 and Jamie of Year 3 had lots of fun:

We've even had some enthusiastic parents joining in the fun!

...More to follow!

If you have a photo to submit, please email it to

The children have had a busy day making maths hats, completing maths trails around the school and Year 3 took part in an exciting Maths Challenge. Here are some photographs of the children hard at work solving the problems.

Class 3S

 Class 3H

Class 4U used their measuring skills to bake biscuits. Unfortunately they didn't turn out very well...

Some children in Years 3 and 4 have been making Maths Towers. They had to use sheets of newspaper to make equilateral triangles. These triangles then were put together to construct towers which could support a certain weight.

Year 4 children took part in a Maths Trail around the playground this morning. Then, in the afternoon, they participated in a Maths Challenge. The challenge was organised and run by class 5S who did a fantastic job.

Today all of the classes were given the opportunity to help build our 'Penny Line.' So far the line stretches from Mr Hunter-Whitehouse's office, past the Year 4 classes, the Year 3 classes all the way to Year 6 and some of the way back again!

Class 3H managed to construct very impressive looking towers from newspaper today too:

3U worked really well in their Maths Teams and here they are hard at work making the creative towers.

3S's great teamwork created a range of interesting towers.

Maths Trail with Year 3

Year 3 children took part in a Maths Trail around the playground this morning. It was great fun.

Class 3U

World Education Games

All of the children in our school have been entered into the World Education Games. Children log in and play quick maths games against other children from schools all around the world. The games are intended to improve the children's rapid recall of number facts. Most of the children have had the opportunity to do this in school, but we also asking children to play at home where this is possible.

World Maths Day begins next week and there will be certificates for children who achieve certain levels.

Year 3 Cooking

During the week Year 3 were making biscuits to sell to their parents. It was a great success and we made profit from the biscuits which we will put towards a worthy cause. See pictures below of the children getting messy and making yummy biscuits. They all had a great time. :-)

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