Monday 8 February 2010

How to keep your teeth healthy!

To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes. Only use your mouthwash after meals so you don't wash away the goodness of the toothpaste. Don't eat your sweets between meals, you can eat them after dinner so when you brush your teeth at night it will get rid of all the sugar. Make sure you do this everyday and you will have a perfect smile and perfect teeth.


  1. I brush my teeth twice a day!!

  2. I made this paragraph with Tamara in my class! It looks so cool to see it on the blog!

  3. If you want to find out more, buy a newspaper from newspaper club!

  4. Brushing keeps your teeth healthy It is so cool that OUR school has a blog I made this with my best mate

  5. I think that brushing our teeth is great and cool i brush my teeth three times a day to make the nice and sparkly
