Tuesday 21 December 2010

Tuesday 21st December 2010

School is OPEN today as the heating has been repaired.

The last day of term is Wednesday 22nd December, when we finish at 3.10p.m.

Monday 20 December 2010

Tuesday 21st December

If school is open tomorrow there will be no swimming for Year 5 pupils.

Monday 20th December 2010

Unfortunately the school heating has broken and school will be CLOSED today.

We will let you know as soon as possible what is happening for tomorrow and Wednesday.

In the meantime, you can work on making up Christmas Maths word problems and writing about how different people might be spending the Christmas holidays.

Monday 6 December 2010

Monday 6th December 2010

The school is OPEN today as usual.

The Christmas Bake Sale after school on Thursday and Afternoon Tea on Friday starting at 1.45pm, both hosted by Year Six, are still planned to go ahead.

Year Six will be having their Creative Day on Thursday, whilst this Friday is still Creative Day and Read In for Years Three, Four and Five.

Friday 3 December 2010

Friday 3rd December 2010

School is CLOSED for today.

If you are not contacted by the school on Monday morning, or there is no message on the blog, please assume that the school is open and bring in your child as usual. Thank you.

Thursday 2 December 2010

O2 concert tickets

If you have a child performing at the O2 and you need to collect tickets for the event on Monday 6th December 2010, you can collect them from the Office on Friday or on Monday morning until 12 o'clock.

Thursday 2nd December 2010

School is OPEN today.

However, due to staff shortages, do not bring your child into school if you do not need to.

School will be closing at 2 pm so please collect your child then.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Wednesday 1st December 2010

School is OPEN today.

If you are not able to get into school today please complete the work that your teacher sent you home with yesterday.

If your child is in school today and the weather gets worse this afternoon you are welcome to collect your child early.

Sunday 28 November 2010

The Bike It project

We have joined a project as part of our School Travel Plan called Bike It. This week we are blinging ourselves and our bikes to remind us of the importance of being seen in the dark now that the evenings are getting darker earlier.

If you would like more information on the project, it is run by a group called Sustrans:

If you are thinking of buying a bike for Christmas, they have a useful guide here:

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Creative Day and Read In

Don't forget that this Friday (15th) is Creative Day and Read In.

For Read In you can bring in books, a cushion and a healthy snack.

Friday 1 October 2010

Olympic Torch Relay

Today the School Council were lucky enough to be part of an Olympic Torch relay where every London borough had a representative from their school to carry the original 1948 torch from school to school and borough to borough.

The behaviour of the School Councul members was excellent and they all earnt a Bronze Star.

Saturday 24 July 2010

Summer Holidays

It's now the end of term and there's no school until September. What are you going to do this summer? Tell us on the blog.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Year 3 Dinosaurs

During the topic of Dinosaurs the year 3 children made dinosaurs with parts of it that moved. This was part of our DT topic on pneumatics. We really enjoyed making them. Here are a couple of the dinosaurs from 3R and 3S.

Year 3 Creative Day.

On Creative day year 3 were designing their own inventions to help them with an everyday problem, for example always waking up late. They worked in groups to come up with an invention that would solve the problem. All the year 3's enjoyed making their inventions. Here are a few pictures of the different inventions.

Tuesday 15 June 2010

Multi-Cultural Week

This week is Multi-Cultural week at school

Year 3 are learning about China.
Year 4 are learning about India.
Year 5 are learning about Mexico.
Year 6 are learning about South Africa.

It's been an exciting week so far, with Year 3 and 5, departing to their countries from the UK on planes, they even made passports and had to have security checks! There's been food tasting and lots of lovely art work.

We will add some pictures soon.

Thursday 27 May 2010

Our last day of activities at Kingswood

We have faced our fears caving, abseiling and climbing on the Leap of Faith (even the teachers!) Tonight we are collecting our souvenirs and starting the challenge of packing to come home - see you soon!

Kingswood Wednesday Night madness!

We braved the windy beach for a beachcomber competition, sang songs around the bonfire and then had a mad five minutes dressing up!

Wednesday 26 May 2010

Venture Week - Wednesday

Today was so much fun as we got to be evacuees in World War II. We were evacuated to the countryside on a steam train. When we arrived the locals decided if we could stay with them - some of us were chosen as we were fit and stong to work on the land, but some of us didn't get anywhere to live!

We learnt about Air Raid Precautions, tried on gas masks, watered the garden and looked after the vegetables and we even made our OWN LUNCH!!

We hope you like our photos.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

School Dinner Menus

In response to some posts about school dinner choices, here is the Barking and Dagenham school meal menus site. Most of the time our meals are the same as the ones shown here.


Year 6 Venture Week - Tuesday

Today has been a busy day on site. We have been brave and all tried to abseil, rock climb and go caving. Last night's disco was good and we are looking forward to the Mini Olympics tonight so that we don't feel like we are missing out on Sport's Day.

Sunday 23 May 2010

Year 6 Venture Week

Keep up to date with what the children are getting up to on Venture Week at Kingswood.


We have all arrived safely at Kingswood.

The afternoon was spent at a wonderful ceramic cafe before heading to Kingswood. The children are now at a disco - Club Kingswood. Let's hope all the children will be tired out so they can sleep tonight!!

Friday 21 May 2010

Stop Frame Animation by 6S

During Creative Day Class 6S created animations using Stop Frame Animation. We hope you like them.

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Year 3 St George's Day

On Friday 23rd April 2010 Year 3 went to Central Park in Dagenham to celebrate St George's Day. We enjoyed our day and did lots of fun activities. We made shields, masks, learnt to play some music, watched some jousting, saw some falcons,did some dancing, took part in a parade, where we played the music, and danced. We also found out about St George.
We have attached some photos for you to see what fun we had.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Year 6 SAT's week

Well done to Year 6 for all their hard work this week.

It's nearly over!

Year 6 teachers

Thursday 11 March 2010

Posting a Comment

Please remember that when posting a comment onto our School Blog you need to make sure that you are using fullstops and capital letters. Comments that now use text speak will not be published.

Book Fair

Thankyou to everyone who came to the Book Fair this year. You helped us to raise over £1000!! This money will help us to replace and buy new and exciting books for our year group libraries.

Monday 22 February 2010

Year 3 Trip

Year 3 have been learning about Dinosaurs in their IPC lessons. On Creative day year 3 went to the National History Museum to look at the Dinosaurs. We all had a really good day looking at all the bones and fossils and finding out new information. Have a look at some of the pictures Miss Taylor took to help us remember the trip.

Miss Taylor

Thursday 11 February 2010

Clubs at Rush Green Junior School

Thankyou for voting for clubs you would like at school. If you said other, could you let us know your ideas?

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Creative Day

Don't forget that Friday is Creative Day. We would love to see and hear what you have all been doing.

Monday 8 February 2010

How to keep your teeth healthy!

To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes. Only use your mouthwash after meals so you don't wash away the goodness of the toothpaste. Don't eat your sweets between meals, you can eat them after dinner so when you brush your teeth at night it will get rid of all the sugar. Make sure you do this everyday and you will have a perfect smile and perfect teeth.