Wednesday 22 February 2012

Class 4U's Creative Day

This term, the pupils in Year 4 have been studying 'The Active Planet' in our IPC work. On Friday 17th  of February, Class 4U created some artwork based on this work.

After finding out about the 'Plaster Casts of Pompeii', the children filled up pairs of tights with newspaper, before using Modroc to create three life-sized sculptures. These were left to dry over half term and over the coming weeks will be painted. Hopefully they will be able to go on display when they are finished!

Monday 13 February 2012

Our Sponsored events Friday 10th Feb 2012

On our last creative day (Friday 10th February) each class chose a different sponsored event to raise money to buy playground equipment. The events ranged from a penalty shot out,danceathon, sponsored silence, wearing pyjamas for the day.

Here are some pictures of us doing our events.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Year 3 IPC Dinosaurs

In our IPC topic Before people, we have been looking at Dinosaurs. During these lessons we became paleontologists and discovered dinosaur fossils. Here are some pictures of what we found.

Year 3 3U and 3S