Wednesday 21 December 2011

Merry Christmas.

All the teachers at Rush Green Junior school would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year. We look forward to seeing you on January 3rd 2012.

Wednesday 26 October 2011

IPC: The Holiday Show

On Friday 21st October year 6 had a successful Holiday Show both to parents and the rest of the school. The children researched a chosen country and produced booklets and information about it and some provided food. All children enjoyed themselves. Below are a few  pictures of the day.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wednesday 28 September 2011


The School will be open on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September.
The children will need to bring a pack lunch with them.

Thank you

Tuesday 27 September 2011

School Closed

School will be closed on Wednesday 28th September.
It is planned to be open on Thursday 29th and Friday 30th September, However please continue to check the blog for updates.
The children will need to bring in a pack lunch on Thursday.

Thank you

Friday 23 September 2011

School Open

School will be open on Monday 26th September as usual.
There will be no electricity and children will all need to bring a packed lunch with them

Thank you

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Our Website.

Please look at our school website

Creative Days

Here are a list of the Creative Days this academic year.

Friday 21st October 2011
Friday 2nd December 2011
Friday 10th February 2012
Friday 23rd March 2012
Friday 25th May 2012
Friday 13th July 2012

On these days your children will take part in creative activities in the morning and in the afternoon they will join in with the Read In.

For the Read-In the children will need to bring a pillow, a book and a healthy snack.

New Hall

Here are some pictures of our new dining hall. It is going to be used as the dining hall, it will have music lessons in there, after school clubs and there will also be courses for parents ran in there.

Monday 25 July 2011

Summer holidays!

If you are stuck for things to do over the holidays, have a look here to find out what you can do in Barking and Dagenham:

You could always take part in the reading challenge that is being run in local libraries or use the Woodlands Junior School website to improve your knowledge ready for your next class:

We look forward to seeeing you on Wednesday 7th Septmber 2011.
Have a great summer!

Friday 8 July 2011

Multicultural Week

On Monday 4th July- Friday 8th July we had Multicultural week. During this week we have travelled to different countries around the world.
Year 3 and 4 went to:
Republic of Ireland

Year 5 and 6 went to:

We found out information about the countries and participated in activities from each of the countries we visited.
On Thursday we had a dance troop in and they taught dances from some of the countries we visited.
Year 3 learnt Polish Dancing
Year 4 learnt Irish Dancing
Year 5 learnt
Year 6 learnt

We all enjoyed our week!
Here are a few pictures of us in action!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Bike It Celebration Day

We have been working with the Bike It project this year so that we can increase the number of children and families that travel to and from school by bike. The project has delivered bike maintenance sessions for children and parents, it has carried out surveys to find out what stops children cycling so that the School Travel Plan can see if it can do any work to help this and it has provided Cycle Training as well as competitions and assemblies to teach the children more about the benefits of cycling.

To celebrate Mrs Hughes and Andy Casson (Mr Bike It!) cycled with some children to The Chase. There we had our bikes serviced, took part in a road safety play, did a bike treasure hunt, tried out stunts, did a cross country bike ride, made smoothies using bike power and had great fun in a drumming workshop - it was a brilliant day!

Saturday 25 June 2011

Year 3 trip to the Chase.

As our introduction to our new IPC topic Habitats, Year 3 walked down to the chase to investigate the Habitats. We visited the woodland, grassland and we observed the life around the lake. We particularly enjoyed the Grassland and we found lots on interesting insects. Here are a couple of pictures


Athletics Festival

On Friday 24th June 8 Year 5 and 8 Year 6 went to Eastbrook Secondary school for the Athletics Festival. We all had a good day even though we didnt come in the top three. Result will be published as soon as Miss Taylor finds out. Here are acouple of pictures of the team in action!

Trip to St Augustines

On Friday 10th June year 3 went to St Augustines Church as part of their RE lessons. While we were there Father Martin talked to us about a marriage ceremony. Here are some pictures of 3U walking through a marriage ceremony. All the year group enjoyed themselves.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Sports Day

On Thursday 9th June was our Sports Day. The Year 3 and 4 went over to Barking College in the morning and Year 5 and 6 in the afternoon. It was an enjoyable day! Here are a few pictures from the Year 3 and 4 from the morning.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Last day at Kingswood

We've had a brilliant final day and managed to avoid the rain until this afternoon. After enjoying a disco it'll be time to start packing - we'll be sad to leave but are looking forward to seeing Amazona Zoo and our families later on. See you at about 5pm with lots of stories about what we've been up to!

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Activities at Kingswood

So far we have taken part in Quad Biking (can you guess who is under the helmet?!), Problem Solving and Rocket Making, but have another busy two days of activities (Den Building, Low Ropes, Abseiling, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Fencing, Archery, Nightline, Crate Stack, Circus Skills and Go Karting) so hopefully we'll have time to add a few more photos in between all the fun we're having.