Tuesday 21 December 2010

Tuesday 21st December 2010

School is OPEN today as the heating has been repaired.

The last day of term is Wednesday 22nd December, when we finish at 3.10p.m.

Monday 20 December 2010

Tuesday 21st December

If school is open tomorrow there will be no swimming for Year 5 pupils.

Monday 20th December 2010

Unfortunately the school heating has broken and school will be CLOSED today.

We will let you know as soon as possible what is happening for tomorrow and Wednesday.

In the meantime, you can work on making up Christmas Maths word problems and writing about how different people might be spending the Christmas holidays.

Monday 6 December 2010

Monday 6th December 2010

The school is OPEN today as usual.

The Christmas Bake Sale after school on Thursday and Afternoon Tea on Friday starting at 1.45pm, both hosted by Year Six, are still planned to go ahead.

Year Six will be having their Creative Day on Thursday, whilst this Friday is still Creative Day and Read In for Years Three, Four and Five.

Friday 3 December 2010

Friday 3rd December 2010

School is CLOSED for today.

If you are not contacted by the school on Monday morning, or there is no message on the blog, please assume that the school is open and bring in your child as usual. Thank you.

Thursday 2 December 2010

O2 concert tickets

If you have a child performing at the O2 and you need to collect tickets for the event on Monday 6th December 2010, you can collect them from the Office on Friday or on Monday morning until 12 o'clock.

Thursday 2nd December 2010

School is OPEN today.

However, due to staff shortages, do not bring your child into school if you do not need to.

School will be closing at 2 pm so please collect your child then.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Wednesday 1st December 2010

School is OPEN today.

If you are not able to get into school today please complete the work that your teacher sent you home with yesterday.

If your child is in school today and the weather gets worse this afternoon you are welcome to collect your child early.